
The Apartment Search

I have started looking for apartments in the city. I've seen four
now, and it is a crazy experience! The first one I saw was terrible,
walked up 7 flights of super steep stairs to a disappointing ugly
place. I almost died walking up!

This is a place I saw yesterday that I completely feel in love with.
The location is amazing, it's in NoLita (North of Little Italy)... it's my
favourite neighbourhood in New York. But it's too expensive and
too small! (even compared to Tokyo standards!) I'm OK with small.

This is a photo of the larger bedroom. It fits a bed with a little extra
walking around the bed. The smaller bedroom, only fits a bed. And
the second photo is the shared living space, literarly smaller than
either room... so sad... all the exposed brick was amazing. It was the
most beautiful and well-kept building I've ever seen in New York.

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